博客來網路書店歡迎您 博客來-Oscar’s Half Birthday暢銷書推薦;2013網頁遊戲online 2013rpg線上
Weider 清醇紅麴膠囊

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博客來-Oscar』s Half Birthday博客來訂書網址:http://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/87926/products/F010313534
To celebrate his half birthday, Oscar, his parents, and his sister go out for a picnic. Oscar is six months old today, but the truth is that no one can wait for his whole birthday. So there's nothing else for Mom and Dad to do but pack some sandwiches, park Oscar in his stroller, and take older sister Millie-handmade fairy wings attached-to the 'half country' of their urban park for a half-birthday party. As always in the warm, quirky world of Bob Graham, the joy is in the details-a stop in a graffitied tunnel as the train rushes overhead; the expressions on Oscar's face as he watches a single leaf fall; the little half candle on his cake; and the impromptu gathering of admiring park visitors who join, one by one, in the hearty birthday song. With his jaunty watercolors full of charming surprises and a gently humorous text, Bob Graham creates an endearing, unconventional family readers will be happy to meet, and they'll be tickled to join in their celebration.To celebrate his half birthday, Oscar, his parents, and his sister go out for a picnic.
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